Recommendation Old Rocking Chair Poem

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Old rocking chair poem. The rocking chair she sits in is very old its been there through the heat and cold. When I am old and worse for wear I want to buy a rocking-chair And set it on a porch where shine The stars of morning-glory vine. Almost sets me dreaming.
I let it go to and frow Let my mind drift back to a time. And in Gods loving. The stars of morning-glory vine.
I know youre in a happy place. This Old Rocking Chair This old rocking chair of yester-year Reminding us all of people held dear. With just beyond a gleam of.
Of forefathers before who worked through blood sweat and. And my thoughts are set free. You brought such joy into my life.
The armrest are worn thin from her hands the finish has been wiped away by the. Dementia had silenced her But her eyes told her story. Old man rocking in his chair night taking from the day tomorrows haze.
As sunlight falls like stardust pon my floor my rocking chair transports me ever high where storks with new born babes fill me with awe. My heart is aching for you my angel child so dear. I sat in that old rocking chair my mother had before.